Gumweed (Grindelia integrifolia)


Herbaceous perennial (although can act as a biennial in UK climate). Part of the Asteraceae (Sunflower) family.  Tap-rooted, semi-woody shrub reaching between 40-100cm.  Native to mountain, desert and coastal regions of western North America, this resilient herb can tolerate extreme conditions (wet in winter, heat in summer) and performs best in full sun.  Will tolerate semi shade, poor soil and maritime conditions. Self seeds readily. Yellow flowers appear in the plant’s second year, producing a white resin before fully opening.

Great source of pollen for butterflies, bees and other beneficial insects.

Traditionally used by indigenous peoples of North America for a host of ailments including treating conditions of the respiratory system and skin irritations. It is believed to decentralize the nerve endings on the bronchial tree and slow the heart rate, which makes for easier breathing. Prominently used by the Pomo as a form of glue. The leaves, fresh or dried, can be steeped in water and used as a bitter tea.  The dried leaves and flowers of Gumweed are anti-inflammatory and have a sedative nature. The plant must be harvested while it is in full bloom for it to be used medicinally.

Always consult a professional before using herbs medicinally

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