Blue Vervain (Verbena hastata)


Hardy perennial reaching up to 1.5m/5ft high with toothed, lobed leaves and blue flower spikes in midsummer. Prefers well-drained sunny position.

Blue Vervain – also known as Swamp Verbena grows wild across the United States.

Medicinally, roots, leaves or flowers have been used to treat conditions ranging from stomach aches, colds and fever to headaches, bruises and arthritis. Indigenous people of the West Coast roasted the seeds and ground them into flour.  It is also used as a tonic for anxiety and stress-related disorders.

Aerial parts of the plant should be harvested as soon as it comes into flower.

A great plant for attracting bumblebees and other important pollinators into the garden.

Always consult a professional before using herbs medicinally.

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