King’s Spear (Asphodeline lutea)


An easy to grow perennial reaching 1m high and wide. Prefers a well-drained soil.  Can tolerate partial shade.  Produces a spike of yellow fragrant flowers from May-July.  A clump-forming plant.

Thinnish but abundant edible roots can be roasted or boiled and have a nutty flavour. Highly valued by the ancient Greeks, who roasted the roots like potatoes and ate them with salt and oil or mashed them with figs.  Harvestable throughout the year but best when plant is dormant in late summer/early autumn.

Young shoots can be harvested and cooked from autumn until spring.  Use as an asparagus substitute. Mild flavour.

Flowers can be eaten raw. They are very sweet but decompose quickly so best to use as soon as they are picked. Nice addition to salads or summer drinks.

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